Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Patch fixes MS wireless vulnerability

A while back, there was a big uproar over the fact that some wireless networking adapters built into laptop computers had a vulnerability due to the fact that they start scanning automatically for wireless networks when you reboot the computer or when it wakes up from hibernation. Microsoft has released a patch for XP SP2 machines to fix the problem, but it wasn't included with the Patch Tuesday updates. You have to manually download and install it, at least at this time. If you're using a laptop with embedded wireless, it's a good idea to do so.

Download patch from Microsoft HERE.

Source :

Vista Could Sap Notebook PC Battery Life

Notebook PC users who upgrade to Microsoft's Windows Vista may have to disable some of the new operating system's flashy graphics features to avoid seeing a decrease in battery life compared to when running Windows XP.

Read the article HERE.


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