Wednesday, December 13, 2006

DIY Service Pack

Looking for manageable Windows updates even without an internet connection? Our offline update 3.0 script collection downloads the entire body of updates for Windows 2000, XP or Server 2003 from Microsoft's servers in one fell swoop and then uses them to create patch packages on CD, DVD or USB stick. Those in turn allow you to update as many PCs as desired.

Have you installed Windows Windows XP fresh from the original CD and then headed over to the update website lately? If not, be ready for an unpleasant surprise. For a system running XP Service Pack 2, the website recommends that you download 60 updates at an overall data volume of around 40 MBytes. And don't forget: that number keeps growing with each Patch Tuesday, as the monthly event of new patches released each second Tuesday of the month has been dubbed.

Read the article HERE.


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