Monday, September 04, 2006

It's all about spam

The black art of spamming

McAfee publish a list of the top 10 spam subject lines, because of the work done by their threat research and filtering labs as well as customer feedback, and the latest for July shows how the spammer is now concentrating more on ID theft and less on helping you achieve sexual satisfaction or financial security. Certainly comparing the current subject lines with those from other surveys that have crossed my path over the years makes for interesting reading, in a spam threat evolving without end kind of a way.

Read the article HERE.

The worst spam flood I have seen in a long time...

This must be THE WORST spam flood I've seen in a long time, even worse than the Swiss Jobs spam, and who would have thought *that* would be possible. Each spam dump comes from a different IP address. Here's hoping not too many people get ripped off.

Read the article HERE.

URL Obfuscation

A very good explanation on how spammers and other junk head will hide real urls. If you know anything about the internets, you probably know what is an IP address, and what it is used for. If you don’t, I’m not gonna tell you - you will need to google it for yourself. But, not everyone knows that browsers will try to resolve IP addresses, even if they are not typed in the traditional dotted decimal notation.

Read the article HERE.


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