Monday, July 03, 2006

Two intersting stories

My Anti-Virus Revolving Door

I consider it part of my job to run as many different anti-virus products as I can on my network. It's for the same reasons that I make a point of using both Internet Explorer and Firefox, but swapping around anti-virus software is much harder.

Read the article HERE.

Hackers keep hacking because they can

I think security is only going to get worse and every proposed product is doomed to failure. I predict that within a few days the Internet will collapse and online communication as we know it will cease to exist and the Internet will have to be rebuilt from the ashes over the next six months.
The solution to our security problems isn’t a particular product or vendor, but persuasive authentication, which will probably only happen after multiple catastrophic e-commerce events and forced government regulation. We know what the fix is, but we are reactive sheep, waiting to be forced to the real solution.

Read the article HERE.


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