Monday, July 03, 2006

WEP cracking - the FBI way

WEP cracking usually takes hours. Lots of hours, depending on the amount of traffic on the access point. A few months ago, two FBI agents demonstrated how they were able to crack a WEP enabled access point within a couple of minutes. 3 minutes to be exact. This is unbelievable when compared to, say 3 days of work. Here is how they did it, and how you can do it. You may need to know your way with each and every of these tools to get this done.

Read how it was done HERE.

Do you really need WEP or WPA?

The wonderful thing that most SOHO wireless device manufacturers are promoting is encryption. WEP, being the most commonly used encryption method available, appears to be used in about 48% of most wireless installations, based on past experiences while wardriving–while 2% being WPA, and the rest being completely in the open. Thanks to WEP and WPA, you need to figure out what the key is in order to get on the network.

Read the article HERE.


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