Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Operating System Vulnerability Scorecard

When I started doing these scorecards, I did two variations - year-to-date and last-3-months - thinking that the latter would reflect short-term bursts of issues and that the former would give an overall view for the year that would incorporate the ups and downs. Instead, the two versions of the charts seem to look very similar except for the numbers and scale. This kind of hints that whatever vulnerability disclosure and fix rate a product has, it is staying pretty consistent over time, at least in 2007.

Read the article HERE.

Jeff Jones paints misleading picture
Jeff Jones is a Strategy Director in the Microsoft Security Technology Unit, part of the team trying to make Microsoft products more secure, poor guy. No surprise that he publishes a vulnerability report on his Microsoft TechNet hosted Security Blog which always seems to suggest that Microsoft Windows is far more secure than competing operating systems from Linux vendors.

Read the article HERE.


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