Saturday, June 23, 2007

iPhone Has Neither Security nor Relevance

Apple's upcoming iPhone: It's a "security nightmare," it will "turn your security team into zombies," and Apple is possibly "using the Windows Safari Beta Test to stamp out iPhone security holes."

Or, then again, depending on which iPhone watcher you're paying attention to, the iPhone security is irrelevant compared with "insecure wireless access points, tape backups disappearing, wrapping your newspapers in customers' personal financial information, and stolen laptops."

Read the article HERE.

Iphone a great target for hackers

According to IBM's security division, Internet Security Systems, the iPhone will have one thing going for it, at the same time it has one thing going against it, making for what should be an interesting product to track. The plus side is that it should take a pretty sophisticated hacker to break into the phone's system, but the negative is that all the frenzy that has been building up around the iPhone's release means many hackers will be inspired to try.

Read the article HERE.


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