Saturday, April 21, 2007

Operation Ore flawed by fraud

The high-profile crackdown on internet child porn has claimed lives and destroyed reputations. But fresh evidence says the police got it wrong. Operation Ore has become embedded in public consciousness as the landmark police operation that tracked down people - almost always men - who allegedly paid to access child pornography via computer.

Thousands of cases under Operation Ore have been built on the shakiest of foundations - the use of credit card details to sign up for pornography websites. In many cases, the card details were stolen; the sites contained nothing or legal material only; and the people who allegedly signed up to visit the sites never went there.

The police experts couldn't have failed to notice it if they were competent, but they claimed they saw nothing. One Operation Ore police investigator said that he had never heard of Internet credit card fraud.

Read the article HERE.


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