Sunday, March 11, 2007

Weekend Reading

Cyberwar: A threat to business

It's no secret that large U.S. businesses are in the crosshairs of foreign government entities and terrorists. According to Maj. Gen. William Lord, "China has downloaded 10 to 20 terabytes of data from the NIPRNet," the Department of Defense network used for transmitting sensitive information. It is only a matter of time before military and terrorist organizations target commercial organizations. In fact, the Department of Homeland Security recently warned of potential Internet attacks on the U.S. stock market and banking Web sites. Large businesses offer an attractive target and the potential impact is very high. ]

Take a look HERE.

Know your Enemy : Web Application Threats

This technical paper provides behind the scenes detail on various HTTP-based attacks against web applications, including specific examples of remote file inclusion and exploitation of the PHPShell application.

Take a look HERE.

Kaspersky Security Bulletin 2006: Malware Evolution

This report covers the most significant malware related events of the past year and provides an overview of the evolution of the illegal market for malware, as well as examining the current situation. It includes statistical data. The report is primarily aimed at IT security professionals but may also be helpful to users who have an interest in malicious programs.

Read the article HERE.

The 50 Most Important People on the Web

So who's making the biggest impact online? We considered hundreds of the Web's most noteworthy power brokers, bloggers, brainiacs, and entrepreneurs to figure out whose contributions are shaping the way we use the Web. We whittled the list down to the top 50--well, actually the top 62--people, but as you'll see, there are some you just can't separate.

[ I think I came in at 2,537,691 - maybe next year ]
Read the article HERE.

Using doPDF

doPDF5.0 installs itself as a virtual printer driver so after a successful installation will appear in your Printers and Faxes list. To create PDF files, you just have to print your documents to the doPDF pdf converter. Open a document (with Microsoft Word, WordPad, NotePad or any other software), choose Print and select doPDF. It will ask you where to save the PDF file and when finished, the PDF file will be automatically opened in your default PDF viewer, which should be Foxit Reader 2.0 for Windows.

Visi the website HERE.



When the ARPANET was designed in the late 1960s, it was outfitted with a Network Control Protocol (NCP) that made it possible for the very different types of hosts connected to the network to talk with each other. However, it soon became clear that NCP was limiting in some ways, so work started on something better.

Read the article HERE.



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