Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Reverse hacker describes ordeal

Shawn Carpenter, a network security analyst at Sandia National Laboratories who was fired in January 2005 for his independent probe of a network security breach at the agency, has been awarded $4.3 million by a New Mexico jury for wrongful termination.

In late May of 2004, one of my investigations turned up a large cache of stolen sensitive documents hidden on a server in South Korea. In addition to U.S. military information, there were hundreds of pages of detailed schematics and project information marked 'Lockheed Martin Proprietary Information — Export Controlled' that were associated with the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. ... It was a case of putting the interests of the corporation over those of the country.

Read the article HERE.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been a contractor for Sandia National Laboratories for about two and a half years. People here are scared shitless about saying the wrong thing to supervisors. Most of them that are actual "Sandians" just go about their business and collect their paychecks. It's a weird environment, but they pay decently for the area. I've been looking for other jobs for the past year, but nothing in the Albuquerque area pays nearly as well. Someday soon we'll move somewhere else where I can find another job. This place is bizarro.

March 03, 2007  

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