Monday, January 22, 2007

Giveaway of the day

Every day we nominate one software title that will be a Giveaway title of that day. The software will be available for download for 24 hours (or more, if agreed by software publisher) and that software will be absolutely free. That means - not a trial, not a limited version - but a registered and legal version of the software will be free for our visitors.

Visit the website HERE.

What is Pricelessware?

The Pricelessware slogan is "the best of the best in Freeware". Freeware is: Legally obtainable software that you may use at no cost, monetary or otherwise, for as long as you wish.

The Pricelessware List reflects the categories and programs favored by alt.comp.freeware newsgroup participants. It is not a comprehensive list; categories are included if a program is selected in that category. Some categories list several selections; others have only 1 or 2. Most programs are well known but there are also some hard-to-find goodies on the list.

Visit the website HERE.


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