Sunday, December 10, 2006

Weekend Reading

(IN)SECURE Magazine ISSUE 1.9 - December 2006

(IN)SECURE Magazine is a freely available quarterly digital security magazine discussing some of the hottest information security topics. It can be distributed only in the form of the original non-modified PDF document.

Download (IN)SECURE Magazine HERE.

How Vista Lets Microsoft Lock Users In

What if you could rig it so that competing with your flagship product was against the law? Under 1998's Digital Millennium Copyright Act, breaking an anti-copying system is illegal, even if you're breaking it for a legal reason. For example, it's against the law to compete head-on with the iPod by making a device that plays Apple's proprietary music, or by making an iPod add-on that plays your own proprietary music. Nice deal for Apple.

Microsoft gets the same deal, courtesy of something called "Information Rights Management," a use-restriction system for Office files, such as Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, and Excel spreadsheets.

Read the article HERE.

Ballmer discusses life after Vista

The much-anticipated Zune, Microsoft's portable music player entry, has received mixed reviews, and demand has been tepid. Sure, Vista made its debut, finally, last week--but only for business customers. The Windows XP successor, more than five years in the making, didn't make it into consumers' hands for the all-important holiday sales season. Ditto for Office 2007, the flagship of the company's second most-profitable product line.

CEO Steve Ballmer says he isn't worried. Read the article HERE.

Software Salesman Confesses

The first witness to testify is James Smith. See exclusive footage of Smith as he spars with commissioners. Smith starts out strong, testifying that he is “proud to be a salesman” yet over the course of several hours of grueling testimony he begins to confess the truth about his product’s failings.

Read the article HERE.


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