Sunday, October 29, 2006

Weekend Reading

Hacking Web 2.0 Applications with Firefox

AJAX and interactive web services form the backbone of “web 2.0” applications. This technological transformation brings about new challenges for security professionals. This article looks at some of the methods, tools and tricks to dissect web 2.0 applications (including Ajax) and discover security holes using Firefox and its plugins. The key learning objectives of this article are to understand the:

Read the article HERE.

Rutkowska: Anti-Virus Software Is Ineffective

Stealth malware researcher Joanna Rutkowska discusses her interest in computer security, the threat from rootkits and why the world is not ready for virtual machine technology.
Earlier this year, stealth malware researcher Joanna Rutkowska created a stir at the Black Hat Briefings when she demonstrated a way to infect Windows Vista with a rootkit and introduced Blue Pill, a new concept that uses AMD's SVM/Pacifica virtualization technology to create "100 percent undetectable malware."

Read the article HERE.

Viruses, phishing, and trojans for profit

Following the 2006 International Virus Bulletin Conference, Kelly Martin takes a look at the profit motives of the cyber criminals behind modern viruses, targeted trojans, phishing scams, and botnet attacks that are stealing millions from organisations and individuals.

Read the entire article HERE.

Phishing Domain Resale Market Booms

Internet addresses that appeal to identity thieves eager to rip off consumers are being posted by major domain resellers, a security company charged Friday. Finnish-based
F-Secure has identified more than 30 registered domain names for resale on Cambridge, Mass.-based Sedo that would be of interest only to the legitimate holder of the trademark or to phishers.

Read the article HERE.


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