Sunday, October 15, 2006

Weekend Reading

IE7 Installation and Anti-Malware Applications

A few people have asked why we recommend temporarily disabling anti-virus or anti-spyware applications (which I’ll refer to together as anti-malware) prior to installing IE7, so here’s a little insight to the situation.

Read the entire article HERE.

How to Block IE 7 from Auto-Installing

The final version of IE 7.0 will be available anytime this month on Microsoft IE Website. Like other Microsoft Security Updates and Patches, Internet Explorer 7 will also be distributed via Automatic Updates for Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1 users.

If you have disabled Automatic Updates on your Windows system, you will be prompted to download and install IE 7 when you perform a manual scan for updates using the Express install option on the Windows Update or Microsoft Update sites.

Read the article HERE.

Getting Started with Linux

We have developed this course for one basic reason: To bring the newcomer to Linux to the point where you can, using Linux, do everything that you do with MS Windows and much more. Due to the fact that Microsoft, enjoying an illegal monopoly, has its operating system installed on 90% of the world's computers, this course is mainly aimed at people who want to migrate to Linux from Microsoft products.

Start your new [ safe ] online experience HERE.

Terrorism toolbar

It’s a “terrorism” toolbar made by Conduit (formerly EffectiveBrand) and distributed by an apparent security firm run by a fellow who advertises himself as “Internet Anthropologist”.

Read the article HERE.


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