Friday, September 29, 2006

MS antisphishing tool wins MS bakeoff

Microsoft sponsored a study comparing the effectiveness of antiphishing technologies and, surprise surprise, the company's IE 7 anti-phishing technology came out on top, according to a post on the IE Blog.

The study, which was conducted by 3Sharp, compared antiphishing toolbars from Microsoft, NetCraft, Google/Firefox, AOL, EarthLink, eBay, Geotrust, Netscape and McAfee. The study used a "standardized set of 100 known phishing Web site URLs and 500 known good URLs to see how well each anti-phishing technology flagged both phish and legitimate URLs."

Microsoft's Phishing Filter (MPF) in IE 7 Beta 3 received the highest "composite score" at 172, followed closely by NetCraft's toolbar with a composite score of 168. But when you dig into the numbers, another story emerges.

Read the article HERE.


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